Email ./emails/0.txt subject: zażółć gęślą jaźń i zrób próbne zadanie %%tod body: This is a nonesense test-email to check Plancake Mail to Inbox feature. All Polish diacritics included ;-) tag also included for additional tests. It should look like in the picture attached. Best regards Pawel Email ./emails/1.txt subject: this is a test body: Hope it works! Email ./emails/2.txt subject: これはテストです body: それは作品を期待 Email ./emails/from_ipad_with_attachment.txt subject: Voice Memo body: Email ./emails/subject_on_multiple_lines.txt subject: Re: Testo Del di Soggetto Che Va A Capo In UTF8 body: Da: Oggetto: Grazie!!! Nome Cognome